nxTomo Games Ltd. Apps

nxTomo Games 榮獲日本 SEGA CORPORATION 授權,推出經典模擬賽馬育成系列《 DERBY OWNERS CLUB - 我們的競馬場 - 》(下稱「DOC」)中文版手機遊戲。集育成、訓練、策騎於一身,仿如置身真實賽馬世界!緊貼香港本地賽馬最新戰況,讓玩家擁有夢寐以求的傳奇馬王!●歷屆馬王 一一重現!步步友、威爾頓、原居民、精英大師、百勝威等香港馬王,加上數以千計香港現役及退役馬,全數化身成遊戲內的親馬卡及訓練馬卡!配合獨有訓練及餵飼方法,將馬王培育成專屬的自家戰駒,出戰各類頂級比賽,成為稱霸各項賽事的「全國王者」!●沙田馬場 手機呈現!沙田馬場完整重現,體驗主場衝刺一刻!多個大型比賽場地,配以不同路程、場地、天氣條件,變出千變萬化的賽事。揀選合適戰駒,巧用策騎技巧,達至人馬合一,在賽場上長驅直進,無往不利!●真實賽事 源源不絕!每週推出不同類型盃賽,讓玩家盡情大顯身手!出征各項香港及國際大型賽事,高手過招,體驗緊張氣氛,投入策騎快感!●特設「連環彩」 挑戰不可能任務!香港版本獨有「連環彩」,限時挑戰特定任務,換取不一樣的豐富獎勵,收集歷屆馬王,成為馬壇名人!《DOC》 Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/derby.hkInstagram: https://instagram.com/nxtomo_games/網頁:http://www.nxtomogames.com
nxTomo Games 榮獲日本 SEGA CORPORATION 授權,推出經典模擬賽馬育成系列《 DERBY OWNERS CLUB - 我們的競馬場 - 》(下稱「DOC」)中文版手機遊戲。集育成、訓練、策騎於一身,仿如置身真實賽馬世界!緊貼香港本地賽馬最新戰況,讓玩家擁有夢寐以求的傳奇馬王!●歷屆馬王 一一重現!步步友、威爾頓、原居民、精英大師、百勝威等香港馬王,加上數以千計香港現役及退役馬,全數化身成遊戲內的親馬卡及訓練馬卡!配合獨有訓練及餵飼方法,將馬王培育成專屬的自家戰駒,出戰各類頂級比賽,成為稱霸各項賽事的「全國王者」!●沙田馬場 手機呈現!沙田馬場完整重現,體驗主場衝刺一刻!多個大型比賽場地,配以不同路程、場地、天氣條件,變出千變萬化的賽事。揀選合適戰駒,巧用策騎技巧,達至人馬合一,在賽場上長驅直進,無往不利!●真實賽事 源源不絕!每週推出不同類型盃賽,讓玩家盡情大顯身手!出征各項香港及國際大型賽事,高手過招,體驗緊張氣氛,投入策騎快感!●特設「連環彩」 挑戰不可能任務!香港版本獨有「連環彩」,限時挑戰特定任務,換取不一樣的豐富獎勵,收集歷屆馬王,成為馬壇名人!《DOC》 Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/derby.hkInstagram: https://instagram.com/nxtomo_games/網頁:http://www.nxtomogames.com
“NBA CLUTCH TIME”COACH your own NBA team with the Best Basketball ManagementGame. BUILD your team with OFFICIAL players. Showcase your gameSTRATEGY and onsite TACTICS by being the best NBA team MANAGER.Compete against other Players AND bring your All-Star Team to thefinal season.Join NBA CLUTCH TIME now!Feature highlights:• Authorized by NBA: Meet all 30 NBA teams and hundreds of OFFICIALNBA Players.• Exclusive Clutch Time mode: Turn the game around in Clutch Timewith critical tap and win at the buzzer.• Latest Season Legends: Create your star-studded line-up withMagic Johnson, Larry Bird, AI, Rodman the Worm, Karl Malone theMailman, Shaq O’Neal and The Great Wall Yao Ming and more.• Diverse Game-play available: Take part in various game modes ofFriendly Match, Team Match, Special Match and Championship to getthe greatest NBA players.• Surprise Challenger arrives! Crush them to earn rewards!• Manage your basketball team and decide who will score and who isin defence.• Receive NEW pro players EVERY DAY.• Ready to DUNK?Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBA-Clutch-Time-AUNZ-1003076796392485And Instagram: https://instagram.com/nba.clutch.time#nbaclutchtime #MVPFollow nxTomo Games on Instagram: https://instagram.com/nxtomo_games/
大話王(台灣) 1.4.23
● 連線狀況已完全排除,感謝玩家熱情支持,相關遊戲問題疑難排除請來信:http://nxtomo.zendesk.com● 限時下載遊戲即得10,000籌碼大話王(大話骰)其實就是台灣深受歡迎的吹牛遊戲,超高人氣不僅在推出短短48小時內人氣直衝大滿貫,突破App百大遊戲排行榜,更可堪稱今年竄升速度最快的一款App遊戲!暢玩吹牛不用再等朋友揪局,實地即時連線挑戰休閒大話吹牛派對,爭奪你的家、宿舍、公司、老巢、勢力範圍的《大話王》寶座。▽不去酒吧就不能玩吹牛大話?現在,等公車!等外賣!等朋友!都可以~▼有網路就有《大話王》!全台北中南朋友鄰居高手等你來挑戰,總有一攤在附近,手機一按馬上搖骰開局!▽沒罰酒就沒有吹牛大話?儘管附近只有,涮涮鍋!滷肉飯!咖啡廳!都無妨~▼有籌碼就可以開局《大話王》!少量籌碼就可聯誼友好,大筆籌碼就來稱王稱霸,拼 IQ 更拼 EQ !【 GEO DISCOVERY ◆「定位技術」實地吹牛】依據玩家位置,即時配對附近對手(對手可能就在你背後!),大街小巷你家門前就是擂台!【 SHOW-HAND ◆「全下就是王」籌碼博弈戰】遊戲拼 IQ 拼 EQ,亦拼運氣!老師寶訓:一命二運三風水,有運氣還要有膽色全下才是王!【 PLAY's CHAT ◆「激將互動」心戰話術師】誰怕誰,五個人敢叫二十個六!?有被嚇到三心兩意心花怒放如小鹿亂撞嗎?有就大聲說出來!傾談玩樂新體驗,聊天介面讓你邊玩邊談邊進行心理戰!【 FREEMIUM ◆「籌碼道具」「Point回饙」密集送】完成安裝,即送遊戲籌碼、表情符號、及逗趣對話!內附多個「Point回饙」環節!想知道 Point有什麼用嗎?做過真正的《大話王》就會知道!● LBS × PARTY × LIAR DICE,實境定位「新類型•遊」休閒娛樂。●「吹牛大話」遊戲規則,加入刺激神經的籌碼博弈,想玩就玩,無限制隨時參加新朋舊友的遊戲派對。● 限時任務,就憑吹牛過關斬將。● 定時開放更多真實地點,目前已有上千個公車站、便利商店、餐廳及捷運鐵路站出口等不同類型場所,遍佈全台北中南。● 定時送出更多表情符號及逗趣對話。※即將釋出更多精闢稱號,以襯托各方《大話王》的獨特風格、終生成就、以及當下心境。※陸續加推更多挑戰任務,供各路《大話王》爭奪豐富獎賞。※更多絕秘功能將於稍後默默釋出(全體人員已經不眠不休在奮鬥製作中…),希望各位七逃郎各路《大話王》用力支持!感謝大家!※ 獲得第一手遊戲訊息,立即加入Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/liarsinn.taiwan
NBA 決戰時刻 1.6.0
《NBA 決戰時刻》NBA官方授權,最強策略經營籃球手遊《NBA 決戰時刻》震撼登場!在此,你將化身NBA的王牌經理人,招募明星球員,壯大球隊陣容,自由打造專屬於你的球隊;同時,你也必須身兼總教練,在比賽中運籌帷幄,配合球員適性制定戰術,臨場調動!現在就加入《NBA 決戰時刻》,邁向你的NBA王朝之路!《NBA 決戰時刻》遊戲特色:• 最強陣容,完全收錄:NBA官方授權,收錄30支NBA勁旅與百名以上的實名球員,包括現役全明星與退役傳奇球星,等你來發掘!• 多樣技能,自由打造:透過多樣升級與訓練模式,強化球員能力,而球員們身負多樣化技能,比賽中隨時發揮,帶來最終勝利!• 絢麗效果,身歷其境:《NBA 決戰時刻》帶來驚豔無比的視覺饗宴,精緻 3D 風格完整模擬NBA比賽畫面,極具魄力與真實感!• 熱血對戰,永不停歇:任務賽事,讓你實現與經典球隊激戰的夢想!盛大的冠軍賽事,與各路好手連番對決,爭奪全明星加盟的機會!• 決戰時刻,致勝一擊:戰況膠著的比賽將有機會出現熱血的決戰時刻 (Clutch Time) 畫面,你必須做出比賽最關鍵的抉擇,逆轉勝的機會操之在手!• 全新元素,挑戰極限:突擊菁英來襲,抓緊挑戰時機,發揮隊伍極限,強化全隊戰力!
《NBA CLUTCH TIME》化身超級 NBA 球隊經理人,爆燃熱血籃球魂!創造最強陣容 » 鞭策球隊奮戰 » 鑽研絕活技能 » 問鼎終極寶座!{ 賽前部署,臨場指揮,火線上運籌帷幄!}{ 決戰時刻,一步逆轉,捕獵逆轉勝機會!}{ 逐鹿激戰,追星射月,秒殺力壓強中手!}《NBA CLUTCH TIME》遊戲特色:• World-Class 世界頂尖球星匯萃 •三十支 NBA 勁旅 與 過百名真實球星 經 NBA 授權召集!• Clutch Time 決戰時刻模式 •分數拉鋸併戰緊咬,就在血脈沸騰的Clutch Time,分秒間一念定勝負!• Season Legends 現役與傳奇陣容 •現役超級球星與球壇傳奇雲集:魔術手莊遜、小鳥布特、戰神艾佛遜、壞孩子洛文、郵差馬龍、巨無霸奧尼爾、小巨人姚明等巨星陸續登場!• Diverse Game-play 多重賽事體驗 •投入東西岸對抗賽、特別對抗賽,火拚各路勁旅,劍指列強錦標賽 !•New element 新元素新戰線 •突擊隊伍隨時降臨,抓緊挑戰時機,強化球隊實力!百萬玩家連番對決,爭奪超強球星加盟!
Derby Owners Club
Enjoy the BEST Horse Racing simulation fromSEGA. Derby Owners Club offers you a whole experience through themost authentic horse racing management available. The excitementgoes from raising horses to world-class championship races!Compete in the World’s Top RacecoursesExperience the racing thrills in major racecourses around the globeincluding Hong Kong Sha Tin Racecourse, Japan Tokyo RacecourseRacecourse, Dubai Meydan Racecourse and more! To win the race,distance, race track, and weather condition are all the importantfactors to consider. Be unbeatable by setting up your own ridingstrategy!Numerous Racing SpectaclesA great variety of races are updated weekly to test your strengths.Participate in various international races and enjoy endlessexcitement.Legendary Champion Horses ReviveThousands of current and retired horses, including legendarychampions, from Hong Kong are revived in Derby Owners Club andtransformed into Bred and Training Horse Cards. Don’t miss thechance to collect them and make them your own world-classracehorses!Complete the Challenging QuestsTest your skills and try your luck! Different challenging questsare arranged based on the latest racing schedule in Hong Kong.Complete each of them within time to earn fabulous rewards andchampion horses!Get on your horse & get ready for the competition!Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/derbyownersclubsgmyFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/derbyownersclubnx/Website:www.derbyownersclubnx.com
BFB Manager 3.5.22
Holding a record of over 3,100,000totaldownloads in Worldwild App Store and over 1,600,000 in HongKongApp Store!A growing soccer game with lots of fun content to be added!Freely choose your region and hometown and aim for the top!Lead your soccer team to become the best club in the world!Aim to be the No.1 team!Grow your footballers, train your team, and head towards thetopleague. Lead your club to defeat strong opponents from nearbyareasand the world-class teams soon to be released, and fight tobecomethe greatest team in the world!Regional player matches!There are many different levels of leagues in the game. Theplayerbegins their journey starting from chosen area towards becomethebest in the world.Exciting Cup Matches!Cup matches with different rules will be held periodically, sothatplayers of different levels can also compete foramazingprizes!New content to be added!BFB Manager will introduce many new features, includingnewfootballers, special challenge matches, unique npc clubchallengesand so on, allowing players to experience the highs andlows ofleading a soccer team.More information can be found at:https://www.facebook.com/Playpark.bfootball?fref=ts※Depending on the internet connection status, afterinstallingthe game for the first time, several minutes ofdownloading timemay be require. Please wait patiently until thedownload processhas completed.※To fully enjoy BFB Manager , we advise players to play thegameunder a Wi-Fi environment.Note:We cannot offer support or compensation related to use of thisappon devices not recommended.Android:Required Android 4.0 or later.Recommended 2 GB of memory.Note:We cannot offer support or compensation related to use of thisappon devices not recommended.
SKYLOCK 天鎖戰記 2.10.3
日本300萬人氣手遊,集冒險、策略、育成於一身的熱血王道RPG!世界初開,天界神「奧林恩斯」、人界神「緹艾菈」、冥界神「撒旦」,三神並立,萬物平衡,陰陽和合。可惜,緹艾菈為奧林恩斯誕下五神子後離世,撒旦竟伺機進攻,奧林恩斯為保和平,不惜化為龐大天鎖,將撒旦封印。但隨著時間流逝,撒旦復活之聞不絕於耳,妖怪魔獸空群出動。為了阻止撒旦甦醒,散落在人間的五神子,分別踏上征途,卻在一開始,就迎來意想不到的命運……現在就展開一場場披星戴月的冒險旅程!《 SKYLOCK 天鎖戰記 遊戲特色 》【迷宮探索冒險 命運自選自決】玩家將扮演勇者,在浩瀚無際的天鎖迷宮中自由探索。行進之路曲折迂迴,每個轉折都體現命運自決。邁步前進或果敢轉彎,不同抉擇迎來不同風景,命途乖舛還是天降好運,全在玩家一念間!【熱血王道RPG 考驗組隊策略】戰鬥採用回合制,玩家每次最多可派出5位魔者出戰。魔者數量多達 700個以上,分開六種不同屬性,各具獨有技能,透過育成可歷經三階段覺醒,外型及戰力將極致進化,考驗玩家的組隊及育成策略。繁中版加入「技能連攜」,讓玩家在戰鬥中施展炫麗的必殺一擊!【強勁製作班底 星級聲優陣容】著名劇作家 渡邊雄介 為遊戲灌注萬鈞原創劇力,破格的正邪對戰澎湃上演;漫畫家幹大樹以細膩筆觸,建構千變萬化的天鎖國度,形象鮮明的角色及魔者,瀰漫日系和風的奇幻氣氛;還有知名作曲家 櫻庭統撰寫配樂,豪華動漫聲優陣容,包括 下野紘、櫻井孝宏、澤城美雪、新垣樽助、大塚明夫、大谷育江、井上麻里奈等等的投入聲演,讓玩家身歷一幕幕聲畫交融的歷奇幻想物語。【豐富PvP系統 超頻密活動更新】豐富競技場PvP系統,「玩家VS玩家」番外格鬥角逐排行榜,入手競技場專屬超稀有獎勵!超頻密週間活動及扭蛋更新,感受刺激緊湊的冒險旅程!更多資訊《SKYLOCK 天鎖戰記》官方網站 : http://skylock.nxtomogames.com《SKYLOCK 天鎖戰記》官方專頁 : http://www.facebook.com/SkyLock.nxPowered by "CRIWARE". CRIWARE is a trademark of CRI Middleware Co.,Ltd.Japan 3 million popularmobile games, set adventure, strategy, bred in a warm-blooded kingRPG!World beginning, God of heaven "Aolinensi" community of God who"Dora Ai Ti," underworld gods "Satan", three gods side by side, allthings balance, yin and yang harmony. Unfortunately, after the TiAi Dora Aolinensi Son of God gave birth to five death, Satanactually waiting for an opportunity to attack, Aolinensi in orderto protect the peace, into a huge day at the lock, the seal ofSatan. But over time, the resurrection of Satan heard voices,monsters Warcraft empty group out. In order to prevent Satan awake,scattered five sons of God in the world, respectively, embark onthe journey, but in the beginning, ushered in an unexpected fate......Now expand a field of daytime adventure!"SKYLOCK day lock Wars game features"[Maze adventure exploring the fate of managedself-determination]Players will play the brave, in the vast expanse of the day free toexplore the maze lock. Traveling the road twists and turns, eachturn reflects the fate of self-determination. Moving forward orturn bold, different choices usher in different landscapes, stilllives for the better Do Incorrect heaven luck, all the players in astudy room![Wang RPG blood test team strategy]Turn-based combat, players can send a maximum of five demons play.Up to the magic number of 700 persons or more separate sixdifferent attributes, each with unique skills, can be bred throughthree stages after awakening, appearance and combat capability willbe the ultimate evolution, test players and team strategy bred.Traditional Chinese version added "with portable skills", allowingthe player to display their dazzling kill a blow in thebattle![Strong production team star seiyuu lineup]Playwright Yusuke Watanabe perfusion roaring original game playforces of good and evil battle surging exceptional staged;cartoonist dry tree with delicate brush strokes to constructever-changing day locked country, vivid characters and demons,filled with Japanese wind fantasy atmosphere ; there are well-knowncomposer Motoi Sakuraba compose music, luxury anime seiyuu lineup,including Shimono Hiro Sakurai Takahiro, Bright City Miyuki,tarusuke shingaki, Otsuka Akio, Otani Ikue, Marina Inoue, etc.input sound play, allowing the player immersive sound and picturescenes blend calendar Fantasy Story think.[Update rich PvP system overclocking secret activities]Rich PvP Arena system, "the player VS player" special episodefighting race rankings, exclusive ultra rare start arena reward!Overclocking secret midweek activity toy and updated feel tostimulate compact adventure!More info"SKYLOCK day lock Wars" official website:http://skylock.nxtomogames.com"SKYLOCK day lock Wars" official page:http://www.facebook.com/SkyLock.nxPowered by "CRIWARE". CRIWARE is a trademark of CRI Middleware Co.,Ltd.
【遊戲介紹】需要你的巧手與智慧,來挽救古老的怪物劇場!▼操作簡單,輕鬆投射怪物,打敗敵人單手操作,輕鬆遊玩,沒有負擔!手指向後方拖曳怪物球,調整力道與方向後放開,就能將怪物球射向敵人,向敵人進行攻擊!▼細心瞄準,策略性的發動連鎖技能怪物球拋出後,在恰當的時機點擊畫面,就能發動點擊絕招,對敵人進行攻擊。此攻擊只要接觸到已經登場的同伴時,還會觸發華麗的「連鎖」絕技喔!▼屬性生剋變化,考驗您的戰術布局與怪物能力搭配怪物均具備特殊的屬性、與技能絕招,搭配得宜就能以小搏大,力抗強敵!▼利用適當的隊長技,強化您的菁英劇團怪物們擁有各具特色的隊長技能,善用隊長技就可以讓普通戰力的劇團,搖身變成一流菁英團隊!▼利用不同的投射曲線,獲得各種道具,取得戰鬥優勢戰鬥中會出現許多補給道具喔!利用投射技巧,策略性的取得補給道具,就有機會瞬間扭轉戰局!▼利用裝置搖一搖,就可以免費獲得怪物隨時隨地搖一搖裝置,就可以輕鬆交朋友、交換彼此的怪物、更可以免費召喚怪物喔!▼多樣精采的遊戲模式,等你來體驗『每日副本』、『劇團入侵』、『討伐任務』、『加倍任務』等,讓您輕鬆獲得愉快的遊戲體驗!【價格】本遊戲免費遊玩,遊戲內提供內購虛擬遊戲商品的服務。【建議設備】Android 4.1 以上版本* 上列系統以外環境,並不保證能正常遊玩。使用前請詳閱並同意「使用條款」中所列出的各項協議,十分感謝!【game introduction】You need skilled and wisdom to save the old theater monster!▼ simple operation, easy projection monsters, defeat theenemyOne-hand operation, easy to play, Moyoufudan!Finger backward drag monster ball, strength and direction of theadjusted release, will be able to monster ball fired at the enemy,the enemy attack!▼ careful aim, to launch a strategic chain skillsAfter the monster ball thrown at the right time to click on thescreen, you can click on to launch the trick, to attack theenemy.As long as this attack has come into contact with the debut of thecompanion, also trigger gorgeous "chain" stunt Oh!▼ property sinker changes, test your ability to match tacticallayout and monstersMonster possess special attributes and skills trick, with a smallrisk can be properly, resisted enemies!▼ captain using appropriate technology to enhance your elitetroupeMonsters captain has distinctive skills, use of technology can letthe captain combat forces troupe, suddenly become a first-classelite team!▼ use different projection curve, to obtain a variety of props, getcombat advantageThe battle will be many supplies props Oh! Use projectiontechniques, strategic supplies props get a chance to reverse thesituation instantly!▼ utilization device a shake, you can get free monsterShake shake anytime a device, you can easily make friends, exchangeeach other's monster, summon monsters more free Oh!▼ diverse exciting game mode, waiting for you to experience"Daily copy", "troupe invasion," "crusade task," "doubling task",etc., so you can easily get a pleasant gaming experience!【price】This game is free to play, in-game purchase virtual goods andservices within the game.[Proposed] equipment  Android 4.1 and above* Environment outside the above system is not guaranteed to playproperly.Before use, please read and agree to the "Terms of Use" of theagreements listed, very grateful!
無終仙境 TombCraft 0.9.2
0.9.2 更新內容- 新增地宮掠奪「重播」功能,創建更具策略及針對性地宮- 地宮首腦培養更多元化,「攻」、「技」、「體」技能自由配搭- 首腦房間加入放置守衛及陷阱,防守力全面提升- 首腦,守衛,陷阱種類大幅增加【 遊戲特色 】《 無終仙境TombCraft》鼓勵玩家參與地宮關卡的創作,同時讓玩家肩負攻守兩勢,創建維護牢固不被破的地宮保護自己的資源、培育盜墓者攻陷其他玩家的地宮: ► 超絕壯大地宮,任你自由創建,成為仙境的地宮霸主! ► 挑戰每一層由玩家自創的藏寶地宮 ► 攻與守互搏,讓玩家重新定奪韓非子「無敵之矛」與「不破之盾」 ► 原著小說的幻境忠實呈現,掃蕩無終仙境! ► 操控三大盜墓職業,打擊感爽快十足 ► 豐富技巧,輕鬆掌握!一鍵升級,一夫當關!無窮樂趣,一觸即發! ► 「無盡天梯」「地下道場」「失落都城」更多幻境模式等你挑戰!【 遊戲系統 】▣「守」創造、建立 ▣ 玩家創造自己的專屬地下迷宮,算計盜墓者可能入侵路線、設置誘餌寶藏、深藏資源礦物、佈置機關陷阱、圈養把關守護獸、守株待兔,伺機坑殺斗膽擅闖的盜墓者。身爲迷宮建築師須工於心計,整蠱陷害,吞食敗陣者的遺物爲獎勵。創造模式考驗策略部署,嚴陣佈防保衛資源寶物。▣「攻」搶掠、破陣 ▣ 有守必有攻,這邊廂設計迷陣,那邊廂扮演盜墓者。盜亦有道,慎選地宮下手,搶掠破陣,成就霸業。作爲盜墓先驅,練成脫身技能、洞悉機關用心,養成險境直覺,維護鬼見愁的踢館排名。唯有全身而退者,可乘機搜刮敵方豐厚資源;亦唯有知己知彼,攻守齊驅,方能壯大攻守兩勢。▣「探」幻境、祕境 ▣ 在原著世界觀的幻城祕境進行探險,挑戰任務過關斬將累積經驗;驅狂魔、獵巨獸、收集珍寶、西周鼎化碎片爲奇兵利器,推進奇幻旅程。探索歷練同時爲地宮創造帶來建築資源,爲盜墓搶掠帶來入侵補助。▤ ▥ ▧ ▨ ◈ ▩ ▦ ◙ ▣【 主題介紹 】尋寶者誤闖古墓,誰料到進入了一個無止盡的盜墓空間!《無終仙境》原著為天下霸唱奇幻懸疑盜墓小說系列《鬼吹燈》的姊妹作,描寫在幽深古墓中探索的曲折奇情。遊戲以小說為藍本,並邀得天下霸唱親任劇情策劃監修,忠實呈現小說建構的地下幻城祕境。「 … 傳說死屍必有一股怨氣「殃」,待除去後才能入土為安 … 」小說裡的主角,正因誤攝女屍殃氣,而展開遙長的盜墓之旅,而《 無終仙境TombCraft》遊戲,則以最爲詭怪奇譎的地下迷宮無終仙境爲序,玩家化身專業盜墓者,從精【探險勇士】、氣【寶藏獵人】、神【鬼影神刀】三種進路擇其一,與小說主角一起探索九頭神佈設的無垠時空,在幽暗異域中與其他玩家,合作或對戰,攻陷祕境、通達境界、解開終極傳說謎團…
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Petit Pet Puzzle 1.8
SAVE the pets by matching 3 or more of the same kind! Help them tofind food, break free from the cage and continue the journey!   EXPLORE exciting neighbourhoods full of challenging match-3 levels.Useful power-ups to help you on tough ones.     EASY & FUN!Petit Pet Puzzle is a great time-killer to play at home or duringbreaks at work! Beat the boredom of days at home!     ENJOY thispuzzle game with your family and friends! Keeping track of theirprogress with Facebook login!     PLAY now and start your dailybrain workout!     Petit Pet Puzzle is completely free to play, butsome in-game items may need to be purchased.    
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